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Book Review/Giveaway: Why We Give Gifts at Christmas Time. Ends July 21st

Why We Give Gifts

Why We Give Gifts at Christmas Time by Corine Hyman, Ph.D. Illustrated by Julie Bryant

About the Book: Why do we give gifts to each other at Christmas time if it is Jesus’ birthday?”  This is a question that everyone has wondered at least once in their life. However, few have been able to come up with an answer.  This fall, join Evelyn and her friends as they discover the reason why we give gifts to each other at Christmas time if it is Jesus’ birthday.

My Review: What is your reason for giving gifts at Christmas? Well, Evelyn decided to find out from her friends why they give gifts at Christmas and she found out that they all had different reasons. Some gave gifts because God gave His only son, and they know one day they will live forever. Some gave gifts because it pleases God, some gave to help others who have less, and some gave to expect nothing in return, while others gave their time. Most importantly, Christ freely gave the gift of salvation when he died for all our sins.

The principle of this book is to teach not only children but adults that gift giving is not only for Christmas but we should learn to give all year round. Learn to give your time to help those in need. Every page has a scripture at the bottom that will encourage the reader about giving.

I recommend this book for classroom teaching and anyone who has children to buy this book. This will help children understand the real meaning of Christmas.

FTC Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion in any way.

About the Author:  Corine Hyman is a clinical psychologist who has been helping families for close to 10 years.  Currently, she lives in Baltimore, MD where she has opened her home to children without families by becoming a foster parent.  The idea for “Why We Give Gifts at Christmas Time” was placed in her heart many years ago.  It is the first of many books that she plans on publishing that uses the Word of God to help children and adults understand the biblical bases for why Christians do what they do.

In an interview, Corine can discuss topics such as tips for celebrating the true meaning of Christmas; simple ways
to teach kids the meaning of popular Christmas traditions; making holiday shopping fun and meaningful for your kids and how to encourage charitable giving in your children during the holidays.

Giveaway Rules


There will be 1 winner  

This Giveaway is Open to the USA Only!

Winner will be selected by

Giveaway Ends July 21st, 2013  

Comments like these would be deleted – Great contest, please enter me, Love to win this! This is so cute!

Mandatory: Leave a comment about the review below. Leaving a helpful comment relating to this book would be appreciated and valid to the giveaway.

Giveaway Guidelines and Disclaimer  

Winners are selected via Random and notified by email. You have 48 hours to respond;

If no response, the prize is forfeited and an alternate winner is chosen.

This Giveaway Has Ended!

Winner is #2 – charmandluckBenita

July 9, 2013 - Posted by | Book Review, Free Giveaways | , , , , , , , ,


  1. What a neat book. I can see where I could use this in my classroom. I always do a unit around the various holidays and how each culture’s traditions and beliefs differ. The kids really enjoy learning about the differences.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

    Comment by Mel Bourn (@MelCamino5) | July 9, 2013 | Reply

  2. What a great message for children to learn. Gift giving is indeed special and important. We need to give and not to look for something in return.

    Comment by charmandluckBenita | July 9, 2013 | Reply

  3. What a wonderful book for all of us to read. And such a great lesson for everyone all year long as well as Christmas. I’m off to her website to learn more
    Carol L

    Comment by Carol L | July 9, 2013 | Reply

  4. Thank you so much for the interest in my book, wanted to make sure everyone knows about the Christmas in July sale. The book is 50% off when you order it through my website, just enter code July. Blessings Corine Hyman

    Comment by Corine Hyman | July 9, 2013 | Reply

  5. This is a phenomenal book!!! It explains the essence of giving during Christmas time and throughout the year.It’s an enjoyable book for children and adults. Most importantly it is based on the Word of God! I have a copy already but I hope to win do I can bless someone with it.

    Comment by Alecia | July 9, 2013 | Reply

  6. I’ve always wondered how to explain why we give during Christmas to my kids… This is a great resources!

    Comment by Chelsea | July 11, 2013 | Reply

  7. This sounds like it would be a very meaningful book for my daughter. I especially like that ‘Evelyn’ learns about many different reasons to give from many different people. That is something I would love to explain to my daughter although sometimes it’s hard for me to find the words. So now I can explain it to her as we read the book together!

    Comment by Angela M. | July 18, 2013 | Reply

  8. What a great book to explain to individuals who do not celebrate christmas. This will inform others on the significance of giving and exchanging gifts.

    Comment by katie neustadter | July 20, 2013 | Reply

  9. It’s important to know the true meaning of Christmas. I like how this book encourages giving throughout the year.

    Comment by likwan | July 21, 2013 | Reply

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